Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 4 (Part 1 of ?)

I had a very good sleep last night after retiring for the day about 11pm. I did not eat dinner until 8pm as the appetite suppresant effect was still going on up until about that time. I was feeling slighty hungry around 7pm but did not feel like eating yet if that makes any sense to you. It is a similar feeling like when you are full but you will only eat more if its something incredibly delicious. I could have taken it or left it so to speak, dinner that is. Today I woke at 7am and took 10mgs. of Adderall and started my day soon after. It took about 1 hour before I noticed any effect and had only 2 cups of coffee in that hour. I decided that since this is an experiment of finding the right dosage I would take one more 5mg. pill around 11am. I went for my interview for that job at 9:30am and was feeling the Adderal effect of wide awake and clear minded with no anxiety at all! Everything went perfect at interview but definately had the urge to talk more than I did but resisted temptation as not to seem too talkative or annoying. She was giving me the impression she wants to hire me so now we will patiently,LOL, wait for a good news call soon. I stopped home to take my second dose of adderal,5mg., and from there I needed to pick up items at 3 different stores which I did and actually was enjoying every part of it, from driving and listening to a music cd to walking into the stores with a new feeling of confidence. Seemed everybody else wanted to talk to me which was great because I wanted to talk but did not want to start blabbing to anybody who was near me and be that annoying guy I try to avoid myself. Sort of feel the second dose working, not a speedy feeling but more of a small notch up in energy level but without anxiety.

It is now 2 hours later and I still feel the same as I did most of morning but taking a break to eat sandwich and blog a bit of how things are going so far before something slips my mind, if thats even possible! LOL  I was not even hungry but am making sure I eat small breakfast and a lunch at regular times in hopes of creating some sort of structure in my unorganized life. I am also drinking plenty of water even though I dont feel all that thirsty to prevent an episode like I had on Day 2 from dehydration because I forgot to drink fluids for 2 days. I'm expecting to be more awake later in the day than I have been in very long time since this is the highest dose of Adderall(15mgs.) in one day. I have plenty of things that need to get done so keeping busy should not be a problem. Right now I do have a slight feeling of restlessness so my mind must be telling body to get off the computer and do something physical with the energy. If I had to stay seated I would be fine as its only a very slight feeling and I think I am just anxious to do something because everything I have been doing is enjoyable, even hard work! I shall return.

And I remind to start reading from Day1 to fully understand the meaning of this blog and feel free to comment or ask a question as I feel I am the only one reading this but I guess thats what blogging is all about.


  1. Thank you so much for this blog! I'm going to finish reading all of it. I am a woman in my late fifties and will begin taking adderall tomorrow. I appreciate hearing how it affected you. I'm very nervous about starting.

  2. Thank you for this. It's really helpful & interesting
