Friday, June 28, 2013

6 Week Update

 It has been 6 weeks now on Adderall for my ADD treatment. Everything has been going fine but I did make some changes over the past 2 weeks. I found reducing my dosage to 2.5mgs. twice daily is perfect for me. I take half of 5mg. pill at 6:00am and the other half around 11:00am. I usually have a large coffee following my 6:00am dose before work. It turned out that 5mg. was just a tad too much for me at my new job because it is not physically demanding. I feel great all day long and my body must have gotten used to Adderall because I no longer have that uncomfortable feeling when it starts wearing off. I do notice around 5-6pm I am not as sharp thinking after this time. I did regain my thirst sense and have no problems staying hydrated as I do get thirsty throughout day. Hunger does not enter my mind though until afternoon so I make sure to eat some food during late morning or early afternoon for fuel my body requires. I do eat quite a bit in the evening but still am slowly losing weight, about 1lb. per week on average which is good for me. Acne is still a problem but not as bad as earlier in treatment. The new job along with Adderall has completely improved my life in every aspect. I think back to a few months ago and cannot believe how awful my life really was! So disorganized and confused, extreme anxiety and self-medicating with alcohol, tobacco and food. I have absolutely no desire for alcohol or other mind-altering drugs including anti-anxiety medicine prescribed by doctor. I cant bring on a panic attack no matter how hard I try now, and I intentionaly put myself into situations where I would guaranteed  have panic prior to Adderall. Overall in a nutshell this past month has been one of the best in decades, and I am not exaggerating. I can take days off from Adderall and have no negative feelings or behavoirs either. Highly recommend this drug for ADD/ADHD and am very happy I only need such a small dose to acheive what "I" was looking for from it. Good Luck



  1. Thank you for taking the time to document your experience. After years of hoping to nail down what was happening for me I found a therapist that gave me an ADD "quiz" and referred me to a doctor to talk about the possibility of medication. Today I am starting with 5mg when I wake up and 5mg about 4 hours later. I am wondering if your experiments with dosages and times were discussed with your doctor, and if not, how and why did you decide on the changes?


  2. Wow. Very impressive. Please continue telling us about your progress.

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